Aceñas Route






We suggest you discover Alba de Tormes through an easy-to-follow signposted itinerary, which you can join from anywhere, full of suggestions and microstories that will allow you to enjoy a suggestive tour of its historical heritage.

The best way to carry out this tasting is to let yourself be guided by the signage located in strategic places that will show you their main monumental milestones, through some walks that have as central core the Plaza Mayor, living space in which the daily chores of the town are also rowed.

Alba de Tormes personality and the strength of her valuable monumental legacy have been forged over the centuries around three main wickers: the Casa de Alba, whose deepest roots are indissolubly linked to the town, Santa Teresa de Jesús, who made here one of his foundations and found in it his last abode, and the river Tormes.

Approaching this legacy means walking through the city from the banks of the river to the strong tower of the ducal castle and, between one and the other, discover an urban area strewn with convents, churches and corners that are worth enjoying quietly.

Aceñas Route

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