Theresian march

Rememora el último viaje que realizó Teresa de Jesús, desde Medina del Campo hasta Alba de Tormes en 1582



92 Km




The Teresian March remembers the last trip made by the Saint Andariega, Teresa of Jesús, from Medina del Campo, on September 17 to Alba de Tormes on September 20, 1582, where she arrived to die on October 4.

Since 1981, the Brotherhood of Santa Teresa de Jesús promotes this pilgrimage remembering the journey made by the Saint and like her, they do it walking, at the rhythm of a cart pulled by a mule.

It is an experience that brings pilgrims closer to the figure of Santa Teresa de Jesús, taking the same steps that she walked on her last earthly journey.

This year will be held the XLII March Teresiana, if you dare to participate, contact

This route includes 16 temples, representative of the fusion of Christian art and Muslim aesthetics

San Juan and Santiago are preserved in the town of Alba de Tormes. The first of them stands out for its triple apse and its magnificent Apostolate. Santiago, which preserves the medieval tower, stands out for its Romanesque-Mudejar apse with beautiful trilobed farmhouses of Islamic inspiration on its north side.

These churches were the inspiration to the Romanesque-Mudejar focus of the region, highlighting Coca, Galleguillos, Peñarandilla and Turra. The route is completed with a visit to the Romanesque-Mudejar apses of Aldeaseca de la Frontera, Gajates, Nava de Sotrobal, Paradinas de San Juan, Rágama and Villar de Gallimazo.

One of the hidden treasures of this proposal are the splendid coffered ceilings that we can enjoy in some interiors, such as Macotera, Cantaracillo, Rágama or Villoria, authentic "Mudejar skies».

Rememora el último viaje que realizó Teresa de Jesús, desde Medina del Campo hasta Alba de Tormes en 1582
En Bicicleta
Con mascota

Theresian march

XLIV marcha teresiana
XLII Marcha Teresiana
Ruta teresiana. De la cuna al sepulcro
Wikiloc route

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